Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Problem of Privacy and the Internet

When it comes to privacy and the Internet, nothing is private. Everything you put on the Internet or even put in files on your computer can some how be recovered or shared again. For example in the one article by Julia Angwin she mentions that technology is getting smarter. "The Journal found new tools that scan in real time what people are doing on a Web page, then instantly access location, income, shopping interests and even medical conditions." I find this kind of scary because everything you do can turn into something that people can find and look at. Even when it comes to Facebook, when you update a status or comment on someone's post it says your location. Therefore someone can click the city your in and zoom in enough and find what area you are posting from. This is a reason I barely use Facebook anymore. There privacy settings are not good and I believe they just changed a lot of their settings, so you can't make things private. The one article by Rebecca Greenfield regarding the Zuckerberg family, it mentions that even they are confused about the settings on Facebook. They had someone retweet a photo on Facebook that she shared with only two friends. It just shows that anyone can get there hands on anything you post on the Internet. As this article mentions, "Everything can be shared and re-shared these days." This is why when using social networking sites you have to be very careful on what you put out there.


  1. Agreed. The Facebook settings are very confusing and even if Mark Zuckerberg is having security issues with a site he created, then we really need to reevaluate what we post on Facebook.

  2. Internet is a different world I think. There is always a way to reach someone's informaton if s/he uploaded it into Internet.
