Monday, November 25, 2013

Cyber Bullying

    Cyber bullying is such a big issue. I am a health and wellness major an we had almost an entire semester devoted to creating a bullying program that could be used to help a school prevent bullying. Cyber bullying is hard to determine unless you physically see the comments or the person being bullied tells you.
     In the one article about the girl Rebecca who commuted suicide, Mrs. Norman said that, "The school should have done more. Officials told her that Rebecca would receive an escort as she switched classes, but that did not happen." I agree that yes, the school should have done more, but the blame can not just fal on them. Technology is constantly emerging and I'm sorry, but that means parents have to step in monitor how there kids are using technology. Not only Rebecca's parents, but the parents of the bullies should be monitoring what their children are posting about their peers. Most people say that's invasion your child's privacy, but at that young of age if it is going to help in their benefit you do it.
    In the other article where the girl was harassed by the three boys at the Labor Day party, the article states that, "The school refused to expel the boys because the alleged assault did not happen at a campus related activity." I found this outrageous they are still your students and they harmed another know matter where at, there should always be repercussions because what is going to stop them from doing it again off campus. I just feel in this case the school really could of done more.
    This is why I feel parents and should need to step in and look at what's going on at home and outside of school. Half the teachers in high school and grade school know when someone is being bullied. They may not physically see it, but all kids talk and most teachers hear what they are saying in the hallways. Even if you just hear about it they should look into it. It's better to be safe then sorry.


  1. Alleged assault is considered a crime. Police are supposed to respond to any bullying that takes place because there wasn't enough discipline at schools that refused expulsion, even if it's not on campus.

  2. You can block the people who bully you, but it doesn't always help. Then they will find another way
